Effectiveness, Safety, and Appropriateness in the Use of the Fixed-Ratio Combination of Insulin Glargine and Lixisenatide in Type 2 Diabetes: The ENSURE Retrospective Real-World Study. in Diabetes therapy : research, treatment and education of diabetes and related disorders / Diabetes Ther. 2023 Jan;14(1):77-92. doi: 10.1007/s13300-022-01328-7. Epub 2022 Nov 14.

ASL Alessandria
AOU Alessandria

Tipo pubblicazione

Journal Article

Autori/Collaboratori (6)Vedi tutti...

Rossi MC
CORESEARCH, Center for Outcomes Research and Clinical Epidemiology, Corso Umberto I 103, 65122, Pescara, Italy.
Gabellieri E
Azienda Ospedaliera di Alessandria, S.C. Endocrinologia e Malattie Metaboliche, Alessandria, Italy.
Nicolucci A
CORESEARCH, Center for Outcomes Research and Clinical Epidemiology, Corso Umberto I 103, 65122, Pescara, Italy. nicolucci@coresearch.it.

et alii...


INTRODUCTION: Pivotal trials documented glycemic benefits of fixed-ratio combination of insulin glargine 100 U/mL and lixisenatide (iGlarLixi), with no weight gain and low hypoglycemia risk in type 2 diabetes (T2D). This study aimed at assessing effectiveness and patterns of use of iGlarLixi in a real-world setting. METHODS: This was a retrospective, multicenter, study, based on electronic medical records. All patients initiating iGlarLixi from May 2018 to July 2020 were considered. RESULTS: Overall, 25 centers provided data on 675 patients initiating iGlarLixi with the following characteristics: age 66.4?±?10.1 years, 54.2% men, T2D duration 15.5?±?11.5 years, HbA1c 8.6?±?1.

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PMID : 36376644

DOI : 10.1007/s13300-022-01328-7


Type 2 diabetes; Lixisenatide; Real-world data; Insulin glargine 100 U/mL; Effectiveness; Fixed-ratio combination;