Beyond diagnosis: a narrative review of the evolving therapeutic role of medical thoracoscopy in the management of pleural diseases. in Journal of thoracic disease / J Thorac Dis. 2024 Mar 29;16(3):2177-2195. doi: 10.21037/jtd-23-1745. Epub 2024 Mar 27.

AOU Novara

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Autori/Collaboratori (12)Vedi tutti...

Fantin A
Department of Pulmonology, S. Maria della Misericordia University Hospital, Udine, Italy.
Castaldo N
Department of Pulmonology, S. Maria della Misericordia University Hospital, Udine, Italy.
Palou MS
Department of Medicine, Respiratory Medicine Unit, University of Verona and Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata of Verona, Verona, Italy.

et alii...


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Medical thoracoscopy (MT) is an endoscopic technique performed by interventional pulmonologists with a favorable safety profile and few contraindications, providing diagnostic and therapeutic intervention in a single sitting. This narrative review was designed to summarize the therapeutic role of MT based on the latest results from the available literature. METHODS: Pertinent literature published in English, relative to human studies, between 2010-2022 was searched in Medline/PubMed and Cochrane databases. Publications regarded as relevant were considered for inclusion in this review; additional references were added based on the authors' knowledge and judgment. The review considered population studies, meta-analyses, case series, and case reports. KEY CONTENT AND FINDINGS: MT has mostly been described and is currently used globally in the diagnostic approach to exudative pleural effusion of undetermined origin. Carefully evaluating the literature, it is clear that there is initial evidence to support the use of MT in the therapeutic approach of malignant pleural effusion, pneumothorax, empyema, and less frequently hemothorax and foreign body retrieval. CONCLUSIONS: MT is an effective procedure for treating the clinical entities presented in this document; it must be carried out in selected patients, managed in centers with high procedural expertise. Further evidence is needed to assess the optimal indications and appropriate patients' profiles for therapeutic MT. The endpoints of length of hospital stay, surgical referral, complications and mortality will have to be considered in future studies to validate it as a therapeutic intervention to be applied globally.

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PMID : 38617786

DOI : 10.21037/jtd-23-1745


Thoracoscopy; empyema; pneumothorax; poudrage; talc;