Factors influencing recurrence after surgical treatment of ano-genital warts in Colorectal Disease

ASL Città di Torino

Tipo pubblicazione

Conference Abstract

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Mistrangelo M
RSA Villa Serena, Bologna (BO), Italy
Dal Conte I
RSA Villa Serena, Bologna (BO), Italy
Delmonte S
RSA Villa Serena, Bologna (BO), Italy

et alii...


Introduction: Anogenital warts represent the most frequently diagnosed STI worldwide. Recurrences are high. Method: From 1999 to 2010, 1117 patients were studied. Patients submitted to surgery were evaluated for recurrence at 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery. Results: Nine hundred and forty-six subjects were submitted to surgery. Recurrence rate was 13.5% at 1 month and 9.5% after 6 months (total = 21.9%). Age, sexual habits, and HIV status were not found to be ralated with recurrence. Gender (F 16.5% vs M 24.5%, P = 0.009), number of lesions (extensive 16.9% vs limited 23.7%, P = 0.09); natural postoperative immunostimulation (11.4% vs 26.2%, P ? 0.001), and the number of CD4+ in HIV patients (High 35% vs low 19.2%, P = 0.07) influenced recurrence rates. A trend, but not statistically significative factors for recurrences were the number of partners (0-10 partn. 17.7% vs 11-30 partn. 19.7 vs 31-500 partn. 25.5%, P = 0.14), the onset of the disease (0-1 month 30.6% vs 2-3 month 18.6% vs 4-12 month 20.6% vs 13-500 month 18.8%, P = 0.36), and stage of HIV (AIDS 18.2% vs asymptomatic 29% vs oligosymptomatic 30.8%, P = 0.46). Conclusion: Recurrences are high. Natural postoperative immunostimulation could reduce recurrence.

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DOI : 10.1111/j.1463-1318.2010.02365.x


recurrence risk; Human immunodeficiency virus; patient; society; condyloma acuminatum; surgery; CD4 antigen; immunostimulation; gender; sexuality;