Life expectancy in follicular lymphoma is mainly determined by response to first LINE treatment: A LONG-TERM survey on 597 patients in Blood

AO Ordine Mauriziano

Tipo pubblicazione

Conference Abstract

Autori/Collaboratori (12)Vedi tutti...

Tarella C

Gueli A

Delaini F

et alii...


BACKGROUND Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the most common indolent form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. However, FL is a heterogeneous disorder and in a proportion of patients, the disease is very resistant to standard frontline therapies. In the current analysis clinical features and outcome to primary treatment were evaluated in a large series of FL patients who were consecutively treated at the Hematology Centers of Bergamo and Torino, Italy between 1976 and 2012. The aim of the study was to define the rate of refractory disease and the long term survival of patients according to response to their primary treatment. METHODS Medical records of 597 FL patients were reviewed. In front line therapy, rituximab was employed in 330 patients (55%), front-line high dose therapy with autograft (HDS) was administered in 58 patients (9.7%). Primary refractory disease was defined as full refractoriness (stable or progressive disease) or progressive disease within six months after initial response. Univariate analysis was done for prognostic factors including gender, age at diagnosis (age?60 and >60 years), histological grade, IPI score (low=0-2 versus high=3-5), bone marrow (BM) involvement, rituximab administration in 1st line treatment, lymphocyte to monocyte ratio at diagnosis (>2.6 vs ?2.6), presence of primary refractory disease, and the administration of front-line HDS. Cox model was also used for multivariate analysis. RESULTS: A total of 375 patients (63%) were older than 60 years (range: 18-88) and 49% were males. There were 476 patients (79.7%) with stage III-IV, 286 patients (48%) with BM involvement, 185 (31%) had a high IPI score and 28 patients (5%) presented with high histological grade. Eighty-seven patients (13%) displayed primary refractory disease. At a median follow-up of 8 years, median overall survival (OS) was 25 years for all patients, 32.6 years for responsive patients compared to 5 years for primary refractory patients (p=<0.0001). Among primary r

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rituximab; life expectancy; follicular lymphoma; human; patient; American; society; hematology; therapy; survival; univariate analysis; multivariate analysis; diagnosis; lymphoma; drug megadose; proportional hazards model; monocyte; medical record; diseases; lymphocyte; long term survival; male; bone marrow; risk; gender; high risk population; Italy; overall survival; follow up; autograft; clinical feature; nonhodgkin lymphoma;