Desire for Genital Surgery in Trans Masculine Individuals: The Role of Internalized Transphobia, Transnormativity and Trans Positive Identity in International journal of environmental research and public health
ASL Biella
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Autori/Collaboratori (4)Vedi tutti...
Biella M
Scandurra C
Prunas A
et alii...
Some trans people experience gender dysphoria, which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one's gender assigned at birth and one's gender identity. People who are trans masculine or nonbinary assigned-female-at-birth may pursue multiple domains of gender affirmation, including surgical affirmation (e.g., masculine chest reconstruction, penile reconstruction, etc.). The present study aimed to investigate the possible factors involved in trans people's desire to undergo gender-affirming genital surgery. Trans masculine and nonbinary participants (N = 127; mean age = 26.90) were recruited through a web-based survey and completed self-report instruments (i.e., the Internalized Transphobia subscale of the Gender Minority Stress and Resilience Measure, the Trans Positive Identity Measure, the Gender Congruence and Life Satisfaction Scale, an ad hoc scale on transnormativity, and a single-item on desire to undergo genital affirmation surgery). A path analysis showed that higher levels of internalized transphobia led to more significant genital discomfort via a dual parallel mediation of transnormativity and positive identity. Moreover, this genital discomfort fueling pattern was the most significant predictor of the desire to undergo genital surgery as the effect of internalized transphobia was fully mediated by increased genital discomfort. Findings are discussed in the light of the recent strand of research on gender dysphoria as a multifaceted construct, with social components.
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PMID : 35897291
DOI : 10.3390/ijerph19158916
transsexualism; transgender; psychology; genital system; human; male; newborn; gender dysphoria; gender identity; female; adult;