Prevalence of fragility vertebral fractures in internal medicine, an underestimated issue? The point study from the scientific society FADOI in European Journal of Internal Medicine

ASL Cuneo 1

Tipo pubblicazione

Conference Abstract

Autori/Collaboratori (10)Vedi tutti...

Vitali C
Internal Medicine, Hospital of Piombino, Livorno, Italy
Valerio A
FADOI Foundation, Research Department, Milan, Italy
Muzzulini CL
FADOI Foundation, Research Department, Milan, Italy

et alii...


Objective: It seems likely that osteoporosis and fragility fractures are a not negligible finding among patients hospitalized in Internal Medicine (IM), and they influence quality of life and prognosis. However, few data are available in the literature on the real impact of the problem in the context of IM, as well as on the association between osteoporosis and possible risk factors/predictors in this setting. Aims of our study were to assess the prevalence of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in patients hospitalized in IM for any cause, and to evaluate the relationship between fractures and a number of clinical variables. Methods: POINT (Prevalence of Osteoporosis in INTernal medicine) is an epidemiological, cross-sectional, multicenter study which enrolled patients hospitalized in IM (only excluding patients not able to comply with data collection due to end-stage disease or severe cognitive impairment). During hospitalization, demographic, clinical and laboratory data were collected. Further, each patient underwent dorsal and lumbar spinal X-ray according to pre-defined procedures. Radiograms were evaluated centrally by two radiologists, following assessment of inter-expert reliability, and by means of morphometric technique. The association between presence of vertebral fracture(s) and potential predictors was evaluated by means of univariate and multivariable logistic regression analyses. Results: A total of1199 patients were enrolled in 37 IM Units in Italy, and 1029 of themhad spinal radiograms valid formorphometric analysis.Mean age of these patientswas 75.8 ± 8.1, male gender 42.1%, 1.7% of patients were considered underweight and 57.2% overweight/obese. A diagnosis of osteoporosiswas present in 15.3% of patients. At morphometric analysis, 48.9% of patients had at least one vertebral fracture. Results of univariate analyses to correlate potential predictors and radiologic evidence of vertebral fracture are reported in Table 1. According to multivari

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DOI : 10.1016/j.ejim.2013.08.286


internal medicine; prevalence; spine fracture; health care organization; human; patient; osteoporosis; diagnosis; chronic obstructive lung disease; fracture; fragility fracture; radiography; risk; anamnesis; univariate analysis; multicenter study; underweight; prognosis; Italy; logistic regression analysis; reliability; radiologist; procedures; quality of life; X ray; gender; laboratory; hospitalization; cognitive defect; information processing; male;