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Collezione ASL Torino 3


Items : 1

Tailored implementation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy in the multinational context of the ImpleMentAll project: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. in Trials / Trials. 2020 Oct 28;21(1):893. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04686-4.

ASL Torino 3

Titzler I; Tarp K; Skjøth MM; Samalin L; Sacco Y; Rosmalen J; Pope C; Qirjako G; Cerga-Pashoja A; Oehler C; Mustafa S; May C; Mathiasen K; Kleiboer A; Hug J; Hegerl U; Hanssen D; van Genugten C; Fanaj N; Van der Eycken E; Ebert DD; Pedersen CD; Christensen H; Calear A; Batterham PJ; Aouizerate B; Potthoff S; Rapley T; Finch T; et alii...