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Collezione ASL Torino 3


Items : 6

[Thromboembolic vein disease (TVD): antithrombotic therapy choice in ASL TO3.]. in Recenti progressi in medicina / Recenti Prog Med. 2019 Sep;110(9):426-435. doi: 10.1701/3215.31936.

ASL Torino 3

Cavagna L; Falcone U; Dalmasso M; Migliardi A; Altini A; Bena A; Cavallo MR;

Asthenia and extremely colored urine: An association to be investigated carefully. in Biochimica Clinica

ASL Asti
ASL Torino 3

Granero V; Bourlot G; D'Alessandro A; Peyronel E; Calosso L; Cavallo MR;

The usefulness of microscopic review in the diagnosis of malaria: A sub-microscopic infection by Plasmodium falciparum in Biochimica Clinica

ASL Torino 3

Granero V; Peyronel E; Caserta MA; Condò C; Cibinel GA; Angilletta R; Cavallo MR;

Can the new HS-TNI improve diagnosis in emergency department? The pinerolo's hospital experience in Biochimica Clinica

ASL Torino 3

Granero V; Fortunato D; Romero R; Curcuruto D; Peyronel E; Cibinel GA; Anelli MC; Cavallo MR;

[Implementation of an operating room safety chart in Turin (Italy)]. in Igiene e sanita pubblica / Ig Sanita Pubbl. 2016 Jul-Ago;72(4):303-319.

ASL Torino 3

Cadoni F; Martorana M; Pezzano L; Laurenti A; Cavallo MR; Gianino MM;

Integrated audit as a means to implement unit protocols: A randomized and controlled study in Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice

ASL Torino 3

Charrier L; Allochis MC; Cavallo MR; Gregori D; Cavallo F; Zotti CM;