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Collezione AOU Novara


Items : 1

Results from a phase I/II trial of cusatuzumab combined with azacitidine in patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia who are ineligible for intensive chemotherapy. in Haematologica / Haematologica. 2023 Jul 1;108(7):1793-1802. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2022.281563.

AOU Novara

Pabst T; Vey N; Adès L; Bacher U; Bargetzi M; Fung S; Gaidano G; Gandini D; Hultberg A; Johnson A; Ma X; Müller R; Nottage K; Papayannidis C; Recher C; Riether C; Shah P; Tryon J; Xiu L; Ochsenbein AF;