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Collezione AOU Novara


Items : 34

The Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in Italian University Students: Validation of the INQ-15 and the ACSS-FAD. in Assessment / Assessment. 2023 Oct 24:10731911231203971. doi: 10.1177/10731911231203971.

AOU Novara

Magliocca S; Romano D; Joiner TE; Madeddu F; Calati R; Zeppegno P; Gramaglia C;

Prevalence of Self-Reported Hand Eczema Signs among Healthcare Workers after the Third Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey in a Northern Italy Hospital. in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) / Medicina (Kaunas). 2023 May 30;59(6):1054. doi: 10.3390/medicina59061054.

AOU Novara

Savoia P; Zavattaro E; Zeppegno P; Gramaglia C; Airoldi C; Esposto E; Veronese F;

Decreased Gas6 and sAxl Plasma Levels Are Associated with Hair Loss in COVID-19 Survivors. in International journal of molecular sciences / Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Mar 26;24(7):6257. doi: 10.3390/ijms24076257.

AO Alessandria
AOU Novara

Sainaghi PP; Bellan M; Zavattaro E; Pirisi M; Ruaro B; Savoia P; Rolla R; Romano V; Confalonieri M; Rigamonti C; Manfredi M; Raineri D; Laaguid F; Giordano M; Gerevini C; Chiocchetti A; Cappellano G; Acquaviva A; Castello LM; Balbo PE; Zeppegno P; Gramaglia C; Patrucco F; Tonello S; Minisini R; Baricich A; Apostolo D; D'Onghia D;

A prospective randomized controlled trial of Psychodermatology on the efficacy of Rilastil Difesa Sterile® cream in the hand eczema of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. in The Journal of dermatological treatment / J Dermatolog Treat. 2023 Dec;34(1):2245080. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2023.2245080.

AOU Novara

Zeppegno P; Zavattaro E; Bestagini L; Gramaglia C; Airoldi C; Esposto E; Veronese F; Savoia P;

The Relationship Between Mental Pain, Suicide Risk, and Childhood Traumatic Experiences: Results From a Multicenter Study. in The Journal of clinical psychiatry / J Clin Psychiatry. 2022 Jun 15;83(4):21m14176. doi: 10.4088/JCP.21m14176.

AOU Novara

Pompili M; Erbuto D; Innamorati M; Luciano M; Sampogna G; Abbate-Daga G; Barlati S; Carmassi C; Castellini G; De Fazio P; Di Lorenzo G; Di Nicola M; Ferrari S; Gramaglia C; Nanni MG; Pasquini M; Pinna F; Poloni N; Serafini G; Signorelli M; Ventriglio A; Volpe U; Fiorillo A;

Mental Health Impact and Burnout in Critical Care Staff During Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak. in Turkish journal of anaesthesiology and reanimation / Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2022 Jun;50(Supp1):S34-S41. doi: 10.5152/TJAR.2022.21263.

AOU Novara

Della Corte F; Zeppegno P; Costa A; Azzolina D; Cena T; Gambaro E; Gramaglia C; Bazzano S;

High depression symptomatology and mental pain characterize suicidal psychiatric patients. in European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists / Eur Psychiatry. 2022 Aug 31;65(1):e54. doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.2312.

AOU Novara

Pompili M; Innamorati M; Erbuto D; Luciano M; Sampogna G; Abbate-Daga G; Barlati S; Carmassi C; Castellini G; De Fazio P; Di Lorenzo G; Di Nicola M; Ferrari S; Goracci A; Gramaglia C; Martinotti G; Nanni MG; Pasquini M; Pinna F; Poloni N; Serafini G; Signorelli M; Tortorella A; Ventriglio A; Volpe U; Fiorillo A;

What do Italian healthcare professionals think about orthorexia nervosa? Results from a multicenter survey. in Eating and weight disorders : EWD / Eat Weight Disord. 2022 Aug;27(6):2037-2049. doi: 10.1007/s40519-021-01336-9. Epub 2022 Jan 9.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Gattoni E; Ferrante D; Abbate-Daga G; Baldissera E; Calugi S; Cascino G; Castellini G; Collantoni E; Favaro A; Marzola E; Monteleone AM; Monteleone P; Oriani MG; Renna C; Ricca V; Salvo P; Santonastaso P; Segura-Garcia C; Volpe U; Zeppegno P;

The interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide and the role of psychological pain during the COVID-19 pandemic: A network analysis. in Journal of affective disorders / J Affect Disord. 2022 Apr 1;302:435-439. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.078. Epub 2022 Jan 22.

AOU Novara

Calati R; Romano D; Magliocca S; Madeddu F; Zeppegno P; Gramaglia C;

Determinants of long COVID among adults hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 infection: A prospective cohort study. in Frontiers in immunology / Front Immunol. 2022 Dec 19;13:1038227. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1038227. eCollection 2022.

AOU Novara

Pinato DJ; Patti G; Manfredi M; Giordano M; Clivati E; Chiocchetti A; Casella S; Cappellano G; Balbo PE; Gramaglia C; Zeppegno P; Patrucco F; Baricich A; D'Onghia D; Minisini R; Tonello S; Ratano G; Errica N; Crevola M; Albè A; Apostolo D; Bellan M; Puricelli C; Raineri D; Rolla R; Sainaghi PP; Pirisi M;

Anxiety, Stress and Depression in COVID-19 Survivors From an Italian Cohort of Hospitalized Patients: Results From a 1-Year Follow-Up. in Frontiers in psychiatry / Front Psychiatry. 2022 Jun 17;13:862651. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.862651. eCollection 2022.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Gattoni E; Gambaro E; Bellan M; Balbo PE; Baricich A; Sainaghi PP; Pirisi M; Binda V; Feggi A; Jona A; Marangon D; Prosperini P; Zeppegno P;

Long-term sequelae are highly prevalent one year after hospitalization for severe COVID-19. in Scientific reports / Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 22;11(1):22666. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-01215-4.

AOU Novara

Pinato DJ; Patti G; Paracchini E; Morosini U; Murano F; Manfredi M; Loro A; Gattoni E; Gambaro E; Cuneo D; Giordano M; Clivati E; Chiocchetti A; Ceruti F; Cappellano G; Cantaluppi V; Bor S; Battaglia M; Barini M; Avanzi GC; Amico CS; Carriero A; Balbo PE; Gramaglia C; Zeppegno P; Patrucco F; Baricich A; Bellan M; Raineri D; et alii...

First-episode Psychosis and Migration in Italy: Results from a Study in the Italian Mental Health Services (Pep-Ita Study). in Journal of immigrant and minority health / J Immigr Minor Health. 2021 Jun;23(3):519-527. doi: 10.1007/s10903-021-01168-w. Epub 2021 Mar 10.

ASL Torino 4
AOU Novara

Storbini V; D'Andrea G; Tarricone I; Braca M; Ferrari S; Reggianini C; Rigatelli M; Gramaglia C; Zeppegno P; Gambaro E; Luciano M; Ceregato A; Altamura M; Barrasso G; Primavera D; Carpiniello B; Todarello O; Berlincioni V; Podavini F; Morgan C; Murray RM; Di Forti M; Muratori R; Berardi D;

Respiratory and Psychophysical Sequelae Among Patients With COVID-19 Four Months After Hospital Discharge. in JAMA network open / JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Jan 4;4(1):e2036142. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.36142.

AOU Novara

Bellan M; Soddu D; Balbo PE; Baricich A; Zeppegno P; Avanzi GC; Baldon G; Bartolomei G; Battaglia M; Battistini S; Binda V; Borg M; Cantaluppi V; Castello LM; Clivati E; Cisari C; Costanzo M; Croce A; Cuneo D; De Benedittis C; De Vecchi S; Feggi A; Gai M; Gambaro E; Gattoni E; Gramaglia C; Grisafi L; Guerriero C; Hayden E; et alii...

Simple Parameters from Complete Blood Count Predict In-Hospital Mortality in COVID-19. in Disease markers / Dis Markers. 2021 May 13;2021:8863053. doi: 10.1155/2021/8863053. eCollection 2021.

AO Alessandria
ASL Vercelli
AOU Novara

Zeppegno P; Zottarelli F; Zavattaro E; Vassia V; Zagaria D; Vaschetto R; Tarantino V; Tonello S; Tillio PA; Spinoni E; Smirne C; Savoia P; Sciarra M; Schimmenti A; Scotti L; Salamina L; Saraceno M; Santagostino M; Roveta A; Rigamonti C; Rizzi E; Rognoni A; Re R; Ragazzoni L; Percivale I; Paschè A; Patrucco F; Patti G; Pau A; et alii...

Attempted Suicide in the Older Adults: A Case Series From the Psychiatry Ward of the University Hospital Maggiore Della Carità, Novara, Italy. in Frontiers in public health / Front Public Health. 2022 Jan 3;9:732284. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.732284. eCollection 2021.

AOU Novara

Romero M; Gambaro E; Bestagini L; Scotti L; Martelli M; Gramaglia C; Zeppegno P;

A Naturalistic, European Multi-Center Clinical Study of Electrodermal Reactivity and Suicide Risk Among Patients With Depression. in Frontiers in psychiatry / Front Psychiatry. 2022 Jan 5;12:765128. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.765128. eCollection 2021.

AOU Novara

Saiz PA; Constante M; Rad PM; Jesus C; Heitor MJ; Gusmão R; Galfalvy H; Ekstrand J; Di Sciascio G; Courtet P; Cosman D; Batra A; Baca-Garcia E; Amore M; Gramaglia C; Zeppegno P; Iosue M; Hadlaczky G; Petros NG; Carli V; Wojnar M; Sarchiapone M;

The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide to Explain Suicidal Risk in Eating Disorders: A Mini-Review. in Frontiers in psychiatry / Front Psychiatry. 2021 Jun 17;12:690903. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.690903. eCollection 2021.

AOU Novara

Zeppegno P; Calati R; Madeddu F; Gramaglia C;

Mid-term Psychiatric Outcomes of Patients Recovered From COVID-19 From an Italian Cohort of Hospitalized Patients. in Frontiers in psychiatry / Front Psychiatry. 2021 Jun 10;12:667385. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.667385. eCollection 2021.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Gambaro E; Bellan M; Balbo PE; Baricich A; Sainaghi PP; Pirisi M; Baldon G; Battistini S; Binda V; Feggi A; Gai M; Gattoni E; Jona A; Lorenzini L; Marangon D; Martelli M; Prosperini P; Zeppegno P;

Fatality rate and predictors of mortality in an Italian cohort of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. in Scientific reports / Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 26;10(1):20731. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-77698-4.

ASL Vercelli
AO Alessandria
AOU Novara

Zeppegno P; Sainaghi PP; Zottarelli F; Zavattaro E; Vaschetto R; Vassia V; Zagaria D; Tillio PA; Tarantino V; Smirne C; Spinoni E; Scotti L; Savoia P; Sciarra M; Schimmenti A; Saraceno M; Santagostino M; Rognoni A; Roveta A; Salamina L; Rigamonti C; Rizzi E; Percivale I; Re R; Pedrinelli AR; Panella M; Parisini A; Paschè A; Pau A; et alii...

From the Roman Empire to the New Millennium. Data access and sharing from healthy ageing cohorts. in Preventive medicine reports / Prev Med Rep. 2020 Aug 25;20:101186. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2020.101186. eCollection 2020 Dec.

AOU Novara

Gambaro E; Gramaglia C; Faggiano F; Zeppegno P;

Rational Suicide in Late Life: A Systematic Review of the Literature. in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) / Medicina (Kaunas). 2019 Sep 29;55(10):656. doi: 10.3390/medicina55100656.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Calati R; Zeppegno P;

Clozapine-induced eosinopenia correlates with high drug serum levels: A case report. in Asian journal of psychiatry / Asian J Psychiatr. 2019 Jun;43:83-84. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2019.04.008. Epub 2019 May 4.

ASL Città di Torino
AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Corulli M; Compagni C; Rosso R; Salvi V;

Outcomes of music therapy interventions in cancer patients-A review of the literature. in Critical reviews in oncology/hematology / Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2019 Jun;138:241-254. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2019.04.004. Epub 2019 Apr 5

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Gambaro E; Vecchi C; Licandro D; Raina G; Pisani C; Burgio V; Farruggio S; Rolla R; Deantonio L; Grossini E; Krengli M; Zeppegno P;

Intimate Partner Homicide Suicide: a Mini-Review of the Literature (2012-2018). in Current psychiatry reports / Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2019 Feb 21;21(3):13. doi: 10.1007/s11920-019-0995-2.

AOU Novara

Zeppegno P; Gramaglia C; di Marco S; Guerriero C; Consol C; Loreti L; Martelli M; Marangon D; Carli V; Sarchiapone M;

Alexithymia and Treatment Outcome in Anorexia Nervosa: A Scoping Review of the Literature. in Frontiers in psychiatry / Front Psychiatry. 2020 Feb 14;10:991. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00991. eCollection 2019.

AOU Novara

Zeppegno P; Gambaro E; Gramaglia C;

No correlation among expressed emotion, anxiety, stress and weight loss in patients with overweight and obesity. in Food & nutrition research / Food Nutr Res. 2019 Oct 8;63. doi: 10.29219/fnr.v63.3522. eCollection 2019.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Gattoni E; Vecchi C; Di Tullio E; Biroli G; D'Andrea F; Riso S; Gualano MR; Marchetti M; Sarchiapone M; Siliquini R; Zeppegno P;

Anhedonia is associated with suicidal ideation independently of depression: A meta-analysis. in Depression and anxiety / Depress Anxiety. 2018 May;35(5):382-392. doi: 10.1002/da.22709. Epub 2017 Dec 12.

AOU Novara

Ducasse D; Loas G; Dassa D; Gramaglia C; Zeppegno P; Guillaume S; Olié E; Courtet P;

The association between electrodermal activity (EDA), depression and suicidal behaviour: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. in BMC psychiatry / BMC Psychiatry. 2018 Jan 25;18(1):22. doi: 10.1186/s12888-017-1551-4.

AOU Novara

Sarchiapone M; Gramaglia C; Iosue M; Carli V; Mandelli L; Serretti A; Marangon D; Zeppegno P;

Medical Students and Suicide Prevention: Training, Education, and Personal Risks. in Frontiers in psychology / Front Psychol. 2018 Apr 9;9:452. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00452. eCollection 2018.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Zeppegno P;

Marchiafava-Bignami Disease with frontal cortex involvement and late onset, long-lasting psychiatric symptoms: a case report. in Rivista di psichiatria / Riv Psichiatr. 2016 Mar-Apr;51(2):79-82. doi: 10.1708/2246.24202.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Feggi A; Vecchi C; Di Marco S; Venesia A; Delicato C; Chieppa N; De Marchi F; Cantello R; Zeppegno P;

Alexithymia, empathy, emotion identification and social inference in anorexia nervosa: A case-control study. in Eating behaviors / Eat Behav. 2016 Aug;22:46-50. doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2016.03.028. Epub 2016 Apr 9.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Ressico F; Gambaro E; Palazzolo A; Mazzarino M; Bert F; Siliquini R; Zeppegno P;

Immigrants' Pathways to Outpatient Mental Health: Are there Differences with the Native Population? in Journal of immigrant and minority health / J Immigr Minor Health. 2016 Aug;18(4):878-885. doi: 10.1007/s10903-015-0336-4.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Gambaro E; Rossi A; Toso A; Feggi A; Cattaneo CI; Castignoli G; Mainini P; Tarricone I; Torre E; Zeppegno P;

Clinical Characteristics Associated with Suicide Attempts in Clinical Settings: A Comparison of Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Depressed Inpatients. in Frontiers in psychiatry / Front Psychiatry. 2016 Jun 20;7:109. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00109. eCollection 2016.

AOU Novara

Gramaglia C; Feggi A; Bergamasco P; Bert F; Gattoni E; Marangon D; Siliquini R; Torre E; Zeppegno P;