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Collezione ASL Torino 3


Items : 2

Corrigendum to "Decreased methylation profiles in the TNFA gene promoters in type 1 macrophages and in the IL17A and RORC gene promoters in Th17 lymphocytes have a causal association with non-atopic asthma caused by obesity: A hypothesis" [Med. Hypotheses 2020 (134) 109527]. in Medical hypotheses / Med Hypotheses. 2020 Nov;144:110181. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2020.110181. Epub 2020 Aug 17.

ASL Torino 3

Hall-Mondragon MS; Rodríguez-Cortés O; Muñoz-Hernández O; Romero-Nava R; Sanchéz-Muñoz F; Del-Río-Navarro BE; Huang F; Leija-Martínez JJ;

Decreased methylation profiles in the TNFA gene promoters in type 1 macrophages and in the IL17A and RORC gene promoters in Th17 lymphocytes have a causal association with non-atopic asthma caused by obesity: A hypothesis. in Medical hypotheses / Med Hypotheses. 2020 Jan;134:109527. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2019.109527. Epub 2019 Dec 10.

ASL Torino 3

Sanchéz-Muñoz F; Del-Río-Navarro BE; Huang F; Leija-Martínez JJ; Hall-Mondragon MS; Rodríguez-Cortés O; Muñoz-Hernandez O; Romero-Nava R;