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Collezione AOU Novara


Items : 2

Respiratory and Psychophysical Sequelae Among Patients With COVID-19 Four Months After Hospital Discharge. in JAMA network open / JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Jan 4;4(1):e2036142. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.36142.

AOU Novara

Bellan M; Soddu D; Balbo PE; Baricich A; Zeppegno P; Avanzi GC; Baldon G; Bartolomei G; Battaglia M; Battistini S; Binda V; Borg M; Cantaluppi V; Castello LM; Clivati E; Cisari C; Costanzo M; Croce A; Cuneo D; De Benedittis C; De Vecchi S; Feggi A; Gai M; Gambaro E; Gattoni E; Gramaglia C; Grisafi L; Guerriero C; Hayden E; et alii...

Intimate Partner Homicide Suicide: a Mini-Review of the Literature (2012-2018). in Current psychiatry reports / Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2019 Feb 21;21(3):13. doi: 10.1007/s11920-019-0995-2.

AOU Novara

Zeppegno P; Gramaglia C; di Marco S; Guerriero C; Consol C; Loreti L; Martelli M; Marangon D; Carli V; Sarchiapone M;