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Collezione ASL Asti


Items : 9

Clinical findings after bioresorbable vascular scaffold implantation in an unrestricted cohort of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (from the RAI registry). in International journal of cardiology / Int J Cardiol. 2018 May 1;258:50-54. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2018.01.135. Epub 2018 Feb 3.

ASL Asti
AO Cuneo
ASL Vercelli

Corrado D; Tespili M; Nicolino A; Coscarelli S; Ferrario M; Piraino D; Fineschi M; Durante A; Colombo A; Moretti L; Tumminello G; Gistri R; Lucci V; Facchin M; Misuraca L; Pisano F; Mazzarotto P; Gabrielli G; Cortese B; Calabrò P; Loi B; Tarantini G; De Angelis MC; Varricchio A; Ielasi A; Moscarella E; Steffenino G;

Clinical outcomes of overlapping versus non-overlapping everolimus-eluting absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffolds: An analysis from the multicentre prospective RAI registry (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02298413). in Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions / Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2018 Jan 1;91(1):E1-E16. doi: 10.1002/ccd.27095. Epub 2017 May 13.

ASL Asti
AO Cuneo
ASL Vercelli

Steffenino G; Rovera C; Corrado D; Tellaroli P; Canosi U; Piatti L; Piraino D; Fineschi M; Colombo A; Olivari Z; Nicolino A; Moretti L; Lucci V; Mazzarotto P; Coscarelli S; Pisano F; Ielasi A; Misuraca L; Tumminello G; Gistri R; Pasquetto G; Calabrò P; Varricchio A; Durante A; Gabrielli G; Loi B; Cortese B; Masiero G; Mojoli M; et alii...

Culprit plaque characteristics in juvenile acs evaluated by optical coherence tomography: Changing the ingredients will change the recipe? in Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia

ASL Città di Torino
ASL Asti
ASL Torino 3
AOU Città della Salute di Torino
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano

Barbero U; Iannaccone M; Scacciatella P; Ugo F; Niccoli G; Mancone M; Sardella G; D'Ascenzo F; Garbo R; Tamburino C; Montefusco A; Omedè P; Moretti C; D'Amico M; Gaita F; Masiero G; Tarantini G; Loi B; Cortese B; Varricchio A; Ielasi A; Pisano F; Mazzarotto P; Calabrò P; Gistri R; Durante A; Piraino D; Tuminello G; Lucci V; et alii...

TCT-425 Bioresorbable vascular scaffold technology for small vessel coronary artery disease: results from the Italian multicenter RAI Registry in Journal of the American College of Cardiology

ASL Asti

Masiero G; Tarantini G; Mojoli M; Loi B; Cortese B; Varricchio A; Ielasi A; Pisano F; Mazzarotto P; Calabro' P; Gistri R; Durante A; Piraino D; Tumminello G; Lucci V; Moretti L; Misuraca L; Pasquetto G; Colombo A; Ferrario M; Coscarelli S; Olivari Z; Nicolino A; Piatti L; Tellaroli P; Corrado D; Steffenino G;

TCT-408 Thirty-day Outcome Following Polymeric Bioresorbable Scaffold Implantation in 347 STEMI Patients Enrolled in the Multicenter “Registro Absorb Italiano” (RAI Registry) in Journal of the American College of Cardiology

ASL Asti

Ielasi A; Moscarella E; Loi B; Cortese B; Calabro' P; Tarantini G; Gistri R; Pisano F; Mazzarotto P; Gabrielli G; Pasquetto G; Misuraca L; Lucci V; Tumminello G; Moretti L; Ferrario M; Colombo A; Durante A; Fineschi M; Nicolino A; Piraino D; Varricchio A; Tespili M; Corrado D; Steffenino G;

Clinical outcomes of multiple, overlapping everolimus-eluting BRS: A subanalysis of the prospective multicentre Italian RAI registry in EuroIntervention

ASL Asti

Mojoli M; Tarantini G; Varricchio A; Cortese B; Loi B; Gabrielli G; Durante A; Gistri R; Calabrò P; Ielasi A; Tumminello G; Coscarelli S; Lucci V; Mazzarotto P; Pasquetto G; Limbruno U; Pisano F; Moretti L; Colombo A; Nicolino A; Olivari Z; Piatti L; Canosi C; Fineschi M; Piraino D; Soriani N; Masiero G; Moscarella E; Granata F; et alii...

Full plastic jacket PCI with everolimus-eluting BRS: Results from the Italian multicentre RAI registry in EuroIntervention

ASL Asti

Corrado D; Steffenino G; Calabrò P; Coscarelli S; Tumminello G; Mazzarotto P; Canosi U; Nicolino A; Fineschi M; Colombo A; Facchin M; Ielasi A; Zoran O; Piraino D; Soriani N; Mojoli M; Elisabetta M; Granata F; Latini R; Tespili M; Rovera C; Masiero G; Tarantini G; Gabrielli G; Pisano F; Lucci V; Moretti L; Durante A; Loi B; et alii...

Clinical outcomes of BRS use in patients with small vs. large vessels coronary artery disease: Results from the Italian multicentre RAI registry in EuroIntervention

ASL Asti

Corrado D; Steffenino G; Tespili M; Rovera C; Latini R; Moscarella E; Mojoli M; Granata F; Piatti L; Soriani N; Fineschi M; Nicolino A; Canosi U; Olivari Z; Coscarelli S; Piraino D; Facchin M; Colombo A; Lucci V; Limbruno U; Moretti L; Masiero G; Tumminello G; Calabrò P; Gistri R; Durante A; Ielasi A; Pisano F; Mazzarotto P; et alii...

Registro Absorb Italiano (BVS-RAI): an investigators-owned and -directed, open, prospective registry of consecutive patients treated with the Absorb™ BVS: study design. in Cardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventions / Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2015 Sep;16(6):340-3. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2015.05.010. Epub 2015 Jun 3.

ASL Asti
AO Cuneo
ASL Vercelli

Defilippi G; Tognoni G; Calzolari D; Nicolino A; Limbruno U; Colombo A; Tumminello G; Loi B; Lucci V; D'Urbano M; Gistri R; Facchin M; Pisano F; LaVecchia L; Tarantini G; Varricchio A; Ielasi A; Cortese B; Buccheri D; Tespili M; Corrado D; Steffenino G;