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Collezione ASL Vercelli


Items : 2

Unveiling the Mystery of Adult-Onset Still's Disease: A Compelling Case Report. in Life (Basel, Switzerland) / Life (Basel). 2024 Jan 29;14(2):195. doi: 10.3390/life14020195.

ASL Vercelli

Sola D; Smirne C; Bruggi F; Bottino Sbaratta C; Tamen Njata AC; Valente G; Pavanelli MC; Vitetta R; Bellan M; De Paoli L; Pirisi M;

Prospective study on prognostic significance of DNA ploidy and Ki-67 expression in colorectal cancer. in Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents / J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2007;21(1-2):13-20.

ASL Vercelli

Santagostino A; Saggia C; Migliora P; Pavanelli MC; Forti G; Biaggi G; Angeli G; Dacorsi M; Alabiso O;