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Collezione AOU Novara


Items : 13

Effect of Lactoferrin on Clinical Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: The LAC Randomized Clinical Trial. in Nutrients / Nutrients. 2023 Mar 4;15(5):1285. doi: 10.3390/nu15051285.

AO Alessandria
ASL Biella
AOU Città della Salute di Torino
AOU Novara

Sainaghi PP; Manzoni P; Zublena N; Zecca E; Sola D; Sola M; Tonello N; Tonello S; Topazzo G; Tua A; Valenti P; Vaschetto R; Vassia V; Rizzi E; Ravizzi L; Pirisi M; Pedrinelli A; Patti G; Ortone E; Paolella R; Nelva A; Morello M; Manzoni R; Marinoni V; Minisini R; Masturzo B; Landi R; Lingua A; Gusmaroli G; et alii...

Baseline Plasma Osteopontin Protein Elevation Predicts Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients. in Viruses / Viruses. 2023 Feb 25;15(3):630. doi: 10.3390/v15030630.

AO Alessandria
AOU Novara

Sainaghi PP; Colangelo D; Lilleri D; Bellan M; Pirisi M; Minisini R; Avanzi GC; Castello LM; Landi R; Rizzi M; Vassia V; Ravanini P; Crobu MG; Pedrinelli AR; Rizzi E; Zecca E; Matino E; Costanzo M; Croce A; Casciaro GF; D'Onghia D; Apostolo D; Tonello S;

SARS-CoV-2 infection risk is higher in vaccinated patients with inflammatory autoimmune diseases or liver transplantation treated with mycophenolate due to an impaired antiviral immune response: results of the extended follow up of the RIVALSA prospective cohort. in Frontiers in immunology / Front Immunol. 2023 Jul 20;14:1185278. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1185278. eCollection 2023.

AO Alessandria
AOU Novara

Matino E; Cittone M; Rizzi E; Casciaro GF; D'Onghia D; Colangelo D; Minisini R; Bellan M; Castello LM; Chiocchetti A; Pirisi M; Rigamonti C; Lilleri D; Zavaglio F; Bergami F; Sola D; Sainaghi PP; Brinno C; Tonello S; Zecca E; Rizzi M;

CGRP Plasma Levels Correlate with the Clinical Evolution and Prognosis of Hospitalized Acute COVID-19 Patients. in Viruses / Viruses. 2022 Sep 26;14(10):2123. doi: 10.3390/v14102123.

AO Alessandria
AOU Novara

Rizzi M; Sainaghi PP; Patrucco F; Colangelo D; Pirisi M; Gavelli F; Avanzi GC; Minisini R; Castello LM; Bellan M; D'Onghia D; Vassia V; Landi R; Mallela VR; Pedrinelli A; Croce A; Costanzo M; Zecca E; Rizzi E; Matino E; Casciaro GF; Morani F; Tonello S;

Ongoing Mycophenolate Treatment Impairs Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Response in Patients Affected by Chronic Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases or Liver Transplantation Recipients: Results of the RIVALSA Prospective Cohort. in Viruses / Viruses. 2022 Aug 12;14(8):1766. doi: 10.3390/v14081766.

AO Alessandria
AOU Novara

Sainaghi PP; Sola D; Lilleri D; Rigamonti C; Pirisi M; Chiocchetti A; Patrucco F; Avanzi GC; Gavelli F; Castello LM; Bellan M; Minisini R; D'Onghia D; Mallela VR; Acquaviva A; Gagliardi I; Calzaducca E; Casciaro GF; Manfredi GF; Rizzi E; Costanzo M; Rizzi M; Matino E; Tonello S; Zecca E;

Baseline Plasma Gas6 Protein Elevation Predicts Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients. in Disease markers / Dis Markers. 2022 Apr 29;2022:1568352. doi: 10.1155/2022/1568352. eCollection 2022.

AO Alessandria
AOU Novara

Lilleri D; Pirisi M; Avanzi GC; D'Onghia D; Minisini R; Mallela VR; Bellan M; Castello LM; Landi R; Vassia V; Pedrinelli A; Zecca E; Croce A; Rizzi E; Casciaro GF; Costanzo M; Matino E; Sainaghi PP; Rizzi M; Tonello S;

Prognostic Markers in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: The Role of IP-10 and C-Reactive Protein. in Disease markers / Dis Markers. 2022 Feb 28;2022:3528312. doi: 10.1155/2022/3528312. eCollection 2022.

AOU Novara

Avanzi GC; Mallela VR; Minisini R; Castello LM; Bellan M; Landi R; Vassia V; Pedrinelli A; Zecca E; Rizzi E; Croce A; Casciaro FG; Matino E; Tonello S; Costanzo M; Rizzi M; Pirisi M; Lilleri D; Sainaghi PP;

Understanding protection from SARS-CoV-2 using metabolomics. in Scientific reports / Sci Rep. 2021 Jul 5;11(1):13796. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-93260-2.

AOU Novara

Barberis E; Amede E; Tavecchia M; Marengo E; Cittone MG; Rizzi E; Pedrinelli AR; Tonello S; Minisini R; Pirisi M; Manfredi M; Sainaghi PP;

Simple Parameters from Complete Blood Count Predict In-Hospital Mortality in COVID-19. in Disease markers / Dis Markers. 2021 May 13;2021:8863053. doi: 10.1155/2021/8863053. eCollection 2021.

AO Alessandria
ASL Vercelli
AOU Novara

Zeppegno P; Zottarelli F; Zavattaro E; Vassia V; Zagaria D; Vaschetto R; Tarantino V; Tonello S; Tillio PA; Spinoni E; Smirne C; Savoia P; Sciarra M; Schimmenti A; Scotti L; Salamina L; Saraceno M; Santagostino M; Roveta A; Rigamonti C; Rizzi E; Rognoni A; Re R; Ragazzoni L; Percivale I; Paschè A; Patrucco F; Patti G; Pau A; et alii...

Rates of Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Patients With Autoimmune Liver Diseases in Northern Italy: A Telemedicine Study. in Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association / Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Sep;18(10):2369-2371.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2020.05.047. Epub 2020

AOU Novara

Rigamonti C; Cittone MG; De Benedittis C; Rizzi E; Casciaro GF; Bellan M; Sainaghi PP; Pirisi M;

Fatality rate and predictors of mortality in an Italian cohort of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. in Scientific reports / Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 26;10(1):20731. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-77698-4.

ASL Vercelli
AO Alessandria
AOU Novara

Zeppegno P; Sainaghi PP; Zottarelli F; Zavattaro E; Vaschetto R; Vassia V; Zagaria D; Tillio PA; Tarantino V; Smirne C; Spinoni E; Scotti L; Savoia P; Sciarra M; Schimmenti A; Saraceno M; Santagostino M; Rognoni A; Roveta A; Salamina L; Rigamonti C; Rizzi E; Percivale I; Re R; Pedrinelli AR; Panella M; Parisini A; Paschè A; Pau A; et alii...

Large-Scale Plasma Analysis Revealed New Mechanisms and Molecules Associated with the Host Response to SARS-CoV-2. in International journal of molecular sciences / Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Nov 16;21(22):8623. doi: 10.3390/ijms21228623.

AOU Novara

Barberis E; Timo S; Amede E; Vanella VV; Puricelli C; Cappellano G; Raineri D; Cittone MG; Rizzi E; Pedrinelli AR; Vassia V; Casciaro FG; Priora S; Nerici I; Galbiati A; Hayden E; Falasca M; Vaschetto R; Sainaghi PP; Dianzani U; Rolla R; Chiocchetti A; Baldanzi G; Marengo E; Manfredi M;

Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on an Italian cohort of systemic sclerosis patients. in Scandinavian journal of rheumatology / Scand J Rheumatol. 2020 Nov;49(6):505-506. doi: 10.1080/03009742.2020.1800083. Epub 2020 Aug 28.

AOU Novara

Bellan M; Parisi S; Stobbione P; Pedrinelli AR; Rizzi E; Casciaro GF; Vassia V; Landi R; Cittone MG; Rigamonti C; Patrucco F; Ditto MC; Finucci A; Realmuto C; Todoerti M; Parodi M; Rossi P; Pirisi M; Fusaro E; Sainaghi PP;