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Collezione ASL Città di Torino


Items : 2

Angiographic control versus ischaemia-driven management of patients undergoing percutaneous revascularisation of the unprotected left main coronary artery with second-generation drug-eluting stents: rationale and design of the PULSE trial. in Open heart / Open Heart. 2020 Oct;7(2):e001253. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2020-001253.

ASL Città di Torino

D'Ascenzo F; Campo G; Cerrato E; De Ferrari GM; Fonio P; Franchin L; Giammaria M; Varbella F; Garbo R; Angelini F; Veltri A; Tore D; Cortese G; Guarnaccia C; Boccuzzi G; Solitro F; Gagnor A; Quadri G; Vaudano P; Santarelli A; Depaoli A; Zaccaro L; Guiducci V; Gaido L; De Filippo O; Bianco M; Tebaldi M; Marchisio F; Iannaccone M; et alii...

Angiographic control versus ischaemia-driven management of patients undergoing percutaneous revascularisation of the unprotected left main coronary artery with second-generation drug-eluting stents: Rationale and design of the PULSE trial in Open Heart

ASL Città di Torino

D'Ascenzo F; Campo G; Cerrato E; De Ferrari GM; Fonio P; Marchisio F; Varbella F; Giammaria M; Garbo R; Angelini F; Franchin L; Veltri A; Tore D; Guarnaccia C; Cortese G; Solitro F; Boccuzzi G; Gagnor A; Quadri G; Vaudano P; Depaoli A; Zaccaro L; Santarelli A; Guiducci V; Gaido L; Iannaccone M; Tebaldi M; Bianco M; De Filippo O; et alii...