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Collezione AOU Novara


Items : 3

End-Stage Renal Disease After Renal Surgery in Patients with Normal Preoperative Kidney Function: Balancing Surgical Strategy and Individual Disorders at Baseline. in European urology / Eur Urol. 2016 Oct;70(4):558-561. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2016.03.023. Epub 2016 Mar 25.

AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
AOU Novara

Simeone C; Carini M; Salonia A; Trevisani F; Porpiglia F; Serni S; Minervini A; Dehò F; Fiori C; Furlan M; Volpe A; Terrone C; Antonelli A; Larcher A; Capitanio U; Montorsi F; Bertini R;

Nephron-sparing techniques independently decrease the risk of cardiovascular events relative to radical nephrectomy in patients with a T1a-T1b renal mass and normal preoperative renal function. in European urology / Eur Urol. 2015 Apr;67(4):683-9. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2014.09.027. Epub 2014 Oct 3.

AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
AOU Novara

Simeone C; Carini M; Salonia A; Serni S; Zacchero M; Di Trapani E; Porpiglia F; Fiori C; Regis F; Furlan M; Matloob R; Volpe A; Minervini A; Antonelli A; Terrone C; Capitanio U; Montorsi F; Bertini R;

Impact of histologic subtype on cancer-specific survival in patients with renal cell carcinoma and tumor thrombus. in European urology / Eur Urol. 2014 Sep;66(3):577-83. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2013.06.048. Epub 2013 Jul 10.

AOU Novara

Tilki D; Nguyen HG; Dall'Era MA; Bertini R; Carballido JA; Chromecki T; Ciancio G; Daneshmand S; Gontero P; Gonzalez J; Haferkamp A; Hohenfellner M; Huang WC; Koppie TM; Lorentz CA; Mandel P; Martinez-Salamanca JI; Master VA; Matloob R; McKiernan JM; Mlynarczyk CM; Montorsi F; Novara G; Pahernik S; Palou J; Pruthi RS; Ramaswamy K; Rodriguez Faba O; Russo P; et alii...