Sfoglia per RIVISTA
Collezione AOU Novara


Items : 5

Beyond diagnosis: a narrative review of the evolving therapeutic role of medical thoracoscopy in the management of pleural diseases. in Journal of thoracic disease / J Thorac Dis. 2024 Mar 29;16(3):2177-2195. doi: 10.21037/jtd-23-1745. Epub 2024 Mar 27.

AOU Novara

Fantin A; Castaldo N; Palou MS; Viterale G; Crisafulli E; Sartori G; Patrucco F; Vailati P; Morana G; Mei F; Zuccatosta L; Patruno V;

Air leak and intraoperative bleeding in thoracic surgery: a Delphi consensus among the members of Italian society of thoracic surgery. in Journal of thoracic disease / J Thorac Dis. 2022 Oct;14(10):3842-3853. doi: 10.21037/jtd-22-619.

AO Cuneo
AOU Novara

Voltolini L; Crisci R; Terzi A; Taurchini M; Sollitto F; Rusca M; Ricciardi S; Rena O; Rea F; Refai M; Potenza E; Pariscenti GL; Paladini P; Marulli G; Melloni G; Paci M; Macrì P; Lucchi M; Infante MV; Guggino G; Imperatori A; Denegri A; Droghetti A; Curcio C; Cherchi R; Crucitti P; Alloisio M; Benvenuti MR; Bertani A; et alii...

Risk of recurrence in stage I adenocarcinoma of the lung: a multi-institutional study on synergism between type of surgery and type of nodal staging. in Journal of thoracic disease / J Thorac Dis. 2019 Feb;11(2):564-572. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2019.01.31.

AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
AOU Città della Salute di Torino
AOU Novara

Puma F; Casadio C; Oliaro A; Filosso PL; Paci M; Marchese V; Ventura L; Lausi PO; Errico L; Vannucci J; Ampollini L; Rena O; Evangelista A; Guerrera F; Lococo F; Ruffini E; Ardissone F;

The Redax(®) Coaxial Drain in pulmonary lobectomy: a study of efficacy. in Journal of thoracic disease / J Thorac Dis. 2017 Sep;9(9):3215-3221. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2017.08.110.

AOU Novara

Rena O; Parini S; Papalia E; Massera F; Turello D; Baietto G; Casadio C;

The "N"-factor in non-small cell lung cancer: staging system and institutional reports. in Journal of thoracic disease / J Thorac Dis. 2016 Nov;8(11):3049-3052. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2016.11.37.

AOU Novara

Rena O;