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Collezione AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
Items : 6
Prevention of oropharyngeal mycosis using thymostimulin in patients with inoperable bronchogenic carcinoma in Minerva Pneumologica
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
Giorgis GE; Galietti F; Massaglia GM; Ardizzi A; Barberis S; Peragine P; Onoscuri E; Giove S;
The effects of i.v. use of doxophylline, a new methylxanthinic derivative, in the treatment of patients suffering from chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy in Minerva Pneumologica
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
Dolcetti A; Osella D; Carnuccio C; Maccario G; Moschini MT;
Netilmicin in the treatment of low respiratory tract infections. Activity, tolerability and pharmacokinetics in Minerva Pneumologica
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
Bruna S; Bagnasco G; Brossa W; Franchino L; Capaldi MT; Orlandi O;
Recent developments in biofeedback for respiratory rehabilitation in Minerva Pneumologica
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
Orlandi O; Tiranti B; Falchetti A;
Variations in ventilatory function after administration of fenoterol in patients with reversible bronchial obstruction in Minerva Pneumologica
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
Torchio R; Gulotta C; Sera G;
Immunostimulation treatment with a bacteriolysate in recurring bacterial infections in chronic bronchitics in Minerva Pneumologica
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
Orlandi O; Bruna S; Bagnasco G;