Sfoglia per RIVISTA
Collezione AO Ordine Mauriziano
Items : 2
Model to predict major complications following liver resection for HCC in patients with metabolic syndrome. in Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) / Hepatology. 2023 May 1;77(5):1527-1539. doi: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000027. Epub 2023 Jan 3.
AO Ordine Mauriziano
Kingham TP; Aldrighetti L; Geller D; Cherqui D; Serrano PE; Ferrone C; Mazzaferro V; Cillo U; Ferrero A; Ettorre GM; Cleary S; Kwon CHD; Cescon M; Conrad C; Simo K; Troisi RI; Helton S; Alseidi A; Rotellar F; Zimmitti G; Corvera C; Torzilli G; Sapisochin G; Sposito C; Chopra A; Abu Hilal M; Rompianesi G; Caula C; Lopez Ben S; et alii...
Smoking and hypoxemia caused by hepatopulmonary syndrome before and after liver transplantation. in Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) / Hepatology. 2001 Aug;34(2):430-1. doi: 10.1053/jhep.2001.26791.
AO Ordine Mauriziano
Rolla G; Brussino L; Dutto L; Ottobrelli A; Bucca C;