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Collezione ASL Città di Torino
Items : 8
Multimodality imaging of pericardial diseases in Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
ASL Città di Torino
Imazio M; Pedrotti P; Quattrocchi G; Roghi A; Badano L; Faletti R; Bogaert J; Gaita F;
Intravascular ultrasound-guided rotational atherectomy for heavily calcified renal artery stenosis in Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
ASL Città di Torino
Savio D; Garbo R; Massara C; Di Maggio L; Boccuzzi GG;
Elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes admitted to Italian intensive cardiac care units: a Blitz-3 Registry sub-analysis in Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
ASL Città di Torino
Cassin M; Scorcu G; Casella G; Visconti LO; Maggioni AP; Lucci D; Fradella G; Conte MR; Chiarella F; Chinaglia A;
Cardiovascular-associated disease in an addicted population: An observation study in Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
ASL Città di Torino
Demarie D; Marletta G; Imazio M; Cappa C; Ferro S; Compostino R; De Vivo E; Trinchero R; Bignamini E;
A clinical and angiographic study of the XIENCE v everolimus-eluting coronary stent system in the treatment of patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. Study design and rationale of the EXECUTIVE trial in Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
ASL Città di Torino
Villani R; Tuccillo B; Sangiorgio P; Sheiban I; Tamburino C; Berni A; Colangelo S; D'Amico M; Rovere FD; Fiscella A; Gabrielli G; Indolfi C; La Vecchia L; Loschiavo P; Marinoni G; Marzocchi A; Milazzo D; Romano M; Beqaraj F; Bartorelli A; Ansalone G; Vassanelli C; Quijada MJL; Ribichini F; Cappi B;
Epidemiology and patterns of care of patients admitted to Italian Intensive Cardiac Care units: The BLITZ-3 registry in Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
ASL Città di Torino
Visconti LO; Scorcu G; Pirelli S; Maggioni AP; Lucci D; Fradella G; Conte MR; Chinaglia A; Chiarella F; Cassin M; Casella G;
A multicenter, randomized study to test immunosuppressive therapy with oral prednisone for the prevention of restenosis after percutaneous coronary interventions: Cortisone plus BMS or des versus BMS alone to eliminate restenosis (CEREA-DES) - Study design and rationale in Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
ASL Città di Torino
Ghini AS; Ferrero V; Pesarini G; Boccuzzi G; Presbitero P; De Luca G; Tomai F; Ribichini F; Vassanelli C; Marino P; Minelli M; Franchi E; Soregaroli D; Garbo R; Zavalloni D; De Luca L; Pastori F;
Reply [2] in Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
ASL Città di Torino
Trinchero R; Imazio M; Cecchi E;