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Collezione ASL Biella


Items : 1

Eribulin in pretreated metastatic breast cancer patients: results of the TROTTER trial-a multicenter retrospective study of eribulin in real life. in SpringerPlus / Springerplus. 2016 Jan 21;5:59. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-1700-0. eCollection 2016.
ASL Torino 4
ASL Asti
AO Cuneo
AOU Città della Salute di Torino
ASL Biella
ASL Vercelli
ASL Alessandria
AOU Novara

Merlano MC; Polimeni MA; Oletti MV; Lucio F; Airoldi M; De Conciliis E; La Verde N; Vandone AM; Donadio M; Giacobino A; Saggia C; Montemurro F; Garrone O;