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Collezione ASL Città di Torino


Items : 3

Pediatric COVID-19 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation transport during the pandemic. in Perfusion / Perfusion. 2024 Sep;39(6):1113-1119. doi: 10.1177/02676591231176243. Epub 2023 May 12.
ASL Città di Torino

De Piero ME; Amigoni A; Balcells J; Di Nardo M; Pàmies-Catalán A; Tajuelo-Llopis I; Izquierdo-Blasco J; Scattolin F; López Fernández E; Belda Hofheinz S; García Torres E; Vida V; Daverio M;

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in children with COVID-19 and PIMS-TS during the second and third wave. in The Lancet. Child & adolescent health / Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2022 Apr;6(4):e14-e15. doi: 10.1016/S2352-4642(22)00065-7. Epub 2022 Ma
ASL Città di Torino

Lorusso R; Belohlavek J; De Piero ME; Hoskote A; Di Nardo M;

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Children with Coronavirus Disease 2019: Preliminary Report from the Collaborative European Chapter of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Prospective Survey. in ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992) / ASAIO J. 2021 Feb 1;67(2):121-124. doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000001309.
ASL Città di Torino

Jones T; Davidson M; Roeleveld P; Lo Coco V; de Piero ME; Gimeno R; Dupic L; Belda Hofheinz S; Horan M; Lillie J; Thiruchelvam T; Hoskote A; Di Nardo M; Broman LM; Lorusso R; Belohlavek J;