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Collezione AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
Items : 1
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging as Well as Clinical Disease Activity in the Clinical Classification of Multiple Sclerosis and Assessment of Its Course: A Report from an International CMSC Consensus Conference, March 5-7, 2010. in International journal of MS care / Int J MS Care. 2012 Fall;14(3):105-14. doi: 10.7224/1537-2073-14.3.105.
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
Cook SD; Dhib-Jalbut S; Dowling P; Durelli L; Ford C; Giovannoni G; Halper J; Harris C; Herbert J; Li D; Lincoln JA; Lisak R; Lublin FD; Lucchinetti CF; Moore W; Naismith RT; Oehninger C; Simon J; Sormani MP;