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Collezione ASL Torino 4


Items : 4

Plaque Character and Progression According to the Location of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque. in The American journal of cardiology / Am J Cardiol. 2021 Nov 1;158:15-22. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2021.07.040. Epub 2021 Aug 29.
ASL Torino 4

Bax AM; Yoon YE; Gianni U; Ma X; Lu Y; Lee BC; Goebel B; Han D; Lee SE; Sung JM; Andreini D; Al-Mallah MH; Budoff MJ; Cademartiri F; Chinnaiyan K; Choi JH; Chun EJ; Conte E; Gottlieb I; Hadamitzky M; Kim YJ; Lee BK; Leipsic JA; Maffei E; Marques H; Gonçalves PA; Pontone G; Shin S; Narula J; et alii...

Association of Tube Voltage With Plaque Composition on Coronary CT Angiography: Results From PARADIGM Registry. in JACC. Cardiovascular imaging / JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021 Dec;14(12):2429-2440. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2021.07.011. Epub 2021 Aug 1
ASL Torino 4

Takagi H; Leipsic JA; Indraratna P; Gulsin G; Khasanova E; Tzimas G; Lin FY; Shaw LJ; Lee SE; Andreini D; Al-Mallah MH; Budoff MJ; Cademartiri F; Chinnaiyan K; Choi JH; Conte E; Marques H; de Araújo Gonçalves P; Gottlieb I; Hadamitzky M; Maffei E; Pontone G; Shin S; Kim YJ; Lee BK; Chun EJ; Sung JM; Virmani R; Samady H; et alii...

Differential progression of coronary atherosclerosis according to plaque composition: a cluster analysis of PARADIGM registry data. in Scientific reports / Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 24;11(1):17121. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-96616-w.
ASL Torino 4

Yoon YE; Baskaran L; Lee BC; Pandey MK; Goebel B; Lee SE; Sung JM; Andreini D; Al-Mallah MH; Budoff MJ; Cademartiri F; Chinnaiyan K; Choi JH; Chun EJ; Conte E; Gottlieb I; Hadamitzky M; Kim YJ; Lee BK; Leipsic JA; Maffei E; Marques H; de Araújo Gonçalves P; Pontone G; Shin S; Narula J; Bax JJ; Lin FY; Shaw L; et alii...

Quantification of Coronary Atherosclerosis in the Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease. in Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging / Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018 Jul;11(7):e007562. doi: 10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.117.007562.
ASL Torino 4

Lee SE; Sung JM; Rizvi A; Lin FY; Kumar A; Hadamitzky M; Kim YJ; Conte E; Andreini D; Pontone G; Budoff MJ; Gottlieb I; Lee BK; Chun EJ; Cademartiri F; Maffei E; Marques H; Leipsic JA; Shin S; Hyun Choi J; Chinnaiyan K; Raff G; Virmani R; Samady H; Stone PH; Berman DS; Narula J; Shaw LJ; Bax JJ; et alii...