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Collezione ASL Cuneo 1


Items : 4

The influence of first ray instability and hindfoot valgus in the development of hallux rigidus: state of art. in Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis / Acta Biomed. 2023 Jun 23;94(S2):e2023116. doi: 10.23750/abm.v94iS2.13635.
ASL Cuneo 1

Colò G; Magnan B; Samaila EM; Zoccola K; Fusini F;

Interposition arthroplasty with bovine collagenous membrane for hallux rigidus: A long-term results retrospective study. in Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons / Foot Ankle Surg. 2022 Dec;28(8):1473-1478. doi: 10.1016/j.fas.2022.08.013. Epub 2022 Sep 5.
ASL Cuneo 1

Colò G; Magnan B; Formica M; Samaila EM; Alessio-Mazzola M; Fusini F;

May footwear be a predisposing factor for the development of hallux rigidus? A review of recent findings. in Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis / Acta Biomed. 2021 Jul 26;92(S3):e2021010. doi: 10.23750/abm.v92iS3.11681.
ASL Cuneo 1

Rava A; Zoccola K; Fusini F; Colò G; Magnan B; Samaila EM;

ASL Cuneo 1

Magnan B; Alessio-Mazzola M; Felli L; Rava A; Samaila EM; Fusini F; Colò G;