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Collezione ASL Torino 4


Items : 7

Access to SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic tests: are there barriers for the immigrants in Italy? in Epidemiologia e prevenzione / Epidemiol Prev. 2022 Jul-Aug;46(4):33-40. doi: 10.19191/EP22.4S1.054.
ASL Torino 4
ASL Torino 3

Di Napoli A; Caranci N; Ventura M; Profili F; Bartolini L; Silvestri C; Ferroni E; Barca A; Gennaro N; Cacciani L; Bortolan F; Leoni O; Spadea T; Rusciani R; Ricceri F; Díaz González JL;

[The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Italian and foreign population in the various phases: the results of an interregional multicentre project]. in Epidemiologia e prevenzione / Epidemiol Prev. 2022 Jul-Aug;46(4):71-79. doi: 10.19191/EP22.4S1.058.
ASL Torino 4
ASL Torino 3

Maifredi G; Calandrini E; Cacciani L; Caranci N; Bartolini L; Rusciani R; Spadea T; Petrelli A; Ventura M; Zorzi M; Ferroni E; Silvestri C; Stasi C; Profili F; Leoni O; Voller F;

[Mortality and impact of COVID-19 by citizenship in seven Italian Regions from the beginning of the pandemic to mid-July 2021]. in Epidemiologia e prevenzione / Epidemiol Prev. 2022 Jul-Aug;46(4):59-69. doi: 10.19191/EP22.4S1.057.
ASL Torino 4
ASL Torino 3

Zorzi M; Vairo F; Spadea T; Profili F; Rusciani R; Maifredi G; Gennaro N; Leoni O; Di Napoli A; Cernigliaro A; Cacciani L; Allotta AV; Bartolini L; Di Girolamo C; Ventura M; Caranci N;

ASL Torino 4
ASL Torino 3

Agabiti N; Davoli M; Di Napoli A; Petrelli A; Silvestri C; Profili F; Cernigliaro A; Caranci N; Bartolini L; Maifredi G; Ferroni E; Ercolanoni M; Rusciani R; Spadea T; Cascini S; Calandrini E; Cacciani L;

[SARS-CoV-2 epidemic among Italians e resident immigrant population: differential incidence from an interregional multicentre study]. in Epidemiologia e prevenzione / Epidemiol Prev. 2022 Jul-Aug;46(4):41-48. doi: 10.19191/EP22.4S1.055.
ASL Torino 4
ASL Torino 3

Allotta AV; Cernigliaro A; Petrelli A; Ventura M; Calandrini E; Cacciani L; Caranci N; Bartolini L; Rusciani R; Spadea T; Profili F; Silvestri C; Ferroni E; Gennaro N; Lazzeretti M; Ercolanoni M; Magoni M; Maifredi G; Leoni O; Bortolan F;

Obesity as a risk factor for hospitalization in COronaVirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) patients: Analysis of the Tuscany regional database. in Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD / Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2021 Mar 10;31(3):769-773. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2020.11.030. Epub 2020 D
ASL Torino 4

Bellini B; Cresci B; Cosentino C; Profili F; Bartolacci S; Scoccimarro D; Voller F; Balzi D; Francesconi P; Mannucci E;

Postal screening can identify frailty and predict poor outcomes in older adults: longitudinal data from INTER-FRAIL study. in Age and ageing / Age Ageing. 2016 Jul;45(4):469-74. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afw048. Epub 2016 Mar 23.
ASL Torino 4

Mossello E; Profili F; Di Bari M; Bandinelli S; Razzanelli M; Salvioni A; Corridori C; Di Fiandra T; Francesconi P;