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Collezione ASL Città di Torino


Items : 2

Enteral versus intravenous approach for the sedation of critically ill patients: a randomized and controlled trial. in Critical care (London, England) / Crit Care. 2019 Jan 7;23(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s13054-018-2280-x.
ASL Città di Torino
ASL Asti
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
ASL Vercelli
AOU Alessandria

Iapichino G; Barbiero A; Ferrari PA; Pinna C; Gado AM; Taverna M; Festa M; Ferretti E; Riccardi F; Palo A; Bellani G; Valdambrini F; Villa C; Russo R; Francesconi S; Chiumello D; Umbrello M; Formenti P; Cadringher P; Salini S; Mistraletti G;

A family information brochure and dedicated website to improve the ICU experience for patients' relatives: an Italian multicenter before-and-after study. in Intensive care medicine / Intensive Care Med. 2017 Jan;43(1):69-79. doi: 10.1007/s00134-016-4592-0. Epub 2016 Nov 9.
ASL Città di Torino
ASL Asti
AOU San Luigi di Orbassano
ASL Vercelli

Iapichino G; Radeschi G; Bosco E; Malacarne P; Ferretti E; Francesconi S; Valdambrini F; Russo R; Pinna C; Palo A; Vecchi I; Martinetti F; Di Carlo A; Anania S; Andrighi E; Spanu P; Formenti P; Mantovani ES; Moroni B; Umbrello M; Mistraletti G;